your domain name is a critical part of your branding strategy
Your domain name is like a sign on a shop, it helps people to locate you and to get a sense of what you offer.
the domain name is also critical to how search engines like Google will rank your website for a particular search.
The first thing you will need to do is decide on a domain name. This will be your online address. Do this first.
It should be recognisable and relate to your business name, brand, product, and/or activities. Make it is easy for people to remember when they see it in written or hear it.
Try to avoid extremely long names (you have 67 characters to choose from) the shorter it is, the easier it will be to remember, and there will be less chance of typographical error when typing it.
If the domain name you want is taken, try adding your location or the word ‘online’ to the name.
Hyphenated words can help search engines distinguish your keywords better and thus help with search results for keywords occurring in your domain name. However it is easy for visitors to forget to include the hypen.
Research your competition
You will need to understand how other people with a similar business or activity operate, so that you can create a point of difference to give yourself a competitive edge.
TLD’s or top level domain’s
If your company is located in Australia, you can register a domain name. To register a domain name in Australia, the applicant must have a registered Australian business – for example an ABN, ACN or RBN – even extensions such as are closely regulated with only non-profitable organizations allowed to register. If you have an international presence, a top-level domain such as .com, .net , or .org is more suitable. You can choose to register multiple names. All addresses can “point” to the same e-mail account and web site.
Check that the domain name you choose doesn’t infringe somebody else’s trademark.
Working Planet can help you to choose an effective name and to register it.
• register multiple domains
• make it short and easy to remember
• choose a name relevant to your business
• try to distinguish it from the competition
Branding your Business
Your brand may be your most valuable asset. A confident, well-positioned brand opportunity grows: you are perceived as more credible, get more unsolicited leads, close a higher percentage of business and can charge more for your services. Consider developing a branding strategy before embarking on building your website. Working Planet’s extensive experience developing logos and branding collateral will ensure your business or venture has the best possible start.
Link to branding section
Our branding strategy extends from your name, logo and slogan through to the development of your stationery and online presence. Your brand is a very powerful tool. It helps to establish your credibility and professionalism. It provides a simple visual device to enable easy recognition.
Our job is to help you discover your visual identity.