Project: CD Cover and Disk Design

Client: Community Solutions / Queensland Police

Project URL: view content here>>



Police are often asked to speak about alcohol and drug issues in a community settings such as a schools, youth groups, sporting clubs, Senior Citizens organisations or community meetings because they are seen to be knowledgeable and authoritative on the subject. Presentations in community settings are an important opportunity for police to assist the community and engage in proactive policing in a variety of settings.

Drug education can mean different things to different people. The involvement of police in community drug education can include:

providing factual information about substance use and misuse, together with the consequences

providing young people with structured discussion and activities that can help them develop assertiveness, decision making skills

values clarification in relation to drug use

helping parents, educators and community members to be more effective in their delivery of drug education to young people, their parents and the community.



The following resource has been made to assist police in preparing and delivering community presentations that will contribute to the reduction of harms associated with alcohol and drug use.

The CD has the following components:

Background on drug and alcohol education – What informs “good practice” and what are the critical success factors?

Receiving a request – Requests can be received from a wide variety of agencies. How do you know that you are the right person for the requested presentation? What are their expectations? This section of the resource outlines the key things to consider before agreeing to present in a community setting.

Planning – The best sessions are the ones that are well prepared. The more time you are able to spend preparing for your session, the easier it will be to present.

The presentation – Critical success factors in presenting to large and small groups as well as options for presenting to different community groups including parents and community gatherings.

Links – This section will assist you to source further information that may assist with your presentation.

Activity Toolbox – A variety of activities suitable for classroom, school camp and other settings. Activities can be found for both primary and secondary students as well as presentations at parent evenings.

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